We have been raising registered Morgan horses since 1974. In that time, the styles and trends have influenced Morgan breeding and showing and many existing Morgans fail to meet the traditional characteristics for substance, soundness, and longevity that have been prized in Morgan horses. Our goal is to breed and raise the old-style, traditional Morgan...the one that could work all week and then take you to church in style on Sunday. The Vintage philosophy is that horses that are bred to be athletes will find it easier to perform the jobs we ask them to do. Combine that athletic ability with attentive, cooperative minds, and the result is a horse that is a joy to train and a true equine partner.
We believe that a sound breeding program must be based on excellent individuals with themed pedigrees. Bloodlines matter in the production of useful, attractive Morgans and we try to know as much as possible about the ancestors of our horses. Along with bloodlines, we evaluate conformation, disposition, and trainability in our horses. All our broodmares are trained for riding and have been trail ridden. This is a test of their trainability and the quality of their gaits.
We believe that a sound breeding program must be based on excellent individuals with themed pedigrees. Bloodlines matter in the production of useful, attractive Morgans and we try to know as much as possible about the ancestors of our horses. Along with bloodlines, we evaluate conformation, disposition, and trainability in our horses. All our broodmares are trained for riding and have been trail ridden. This is a test of their trainability and the quality of their gaits.

We enjoy trail riding and expect all our broodmares to be good trail horses. Here, Russ is riding Toy Story and Nora is riding her daughter, Vintage Kitty Spar. Both these mares are from "western working" bloodlines which were proven on ranches in the Midwest and in the mountains of California.

If you have ridden on rough trails, you will appreciate that Vintage Morgans are bred to "know where their feet are". Even our very green riding horses handled hills and obstacles with confidence. Here Russ is riding Toy Story and Nora is riding her daughter, Vintage Kitty Spar.

Russ and Nora do lots of ground work with the young horses. Then they go to Abby Knight to be started under saddle. Here, Abby is having a little fun teaching Vintage Kitty Spar about the step up obstacle. Kitty said she would do whatever Abby wanted!

We are fortunate to live in an area with excellent access to trail riding opportunities. Here, Russ is riding Dean Mt Nikkoletta and Nora is riding Vintage Lusita, a full sister to Kitty Spar shown above.